Sod Installation
Installing sod on the lawn is essentially instant care and offer a great miracle. Rejuvenation of lawn with weed control and fertilizer treatment is a good approach to ensure lush and lavish growth, but sometimes, replacement with new sod is required. For this purpose, there should be a proper on-site evaluation that why the grass was lost or was not performing well in the first place. Typically, it is happening due to various reasons such as leaf smothering, shade, faulty or poor-quality irrigation, fungal diseases, and insect pest attacks. A combination of these factors can even be more devastating. But the good health of lawn can be ensured by sod installation.
Why sod Installation is Important
Sod is a well nurtured and mature plant and offers instant gratification. It is an excellent way to quickly cover the soil and reduces the chances of interacting with mud. Especially, it is essential for the families having kids and pets who love to run in lawn. While simple plantation may not be enough to control soil erosion, in rainy, and windy conditions, sod installation greatly helps to reduce soil erosion, and thereby offers great protection of natural resources.
Moreover, there is little requirement of maintenance, and there is no need for spraying insecticides, and herbicides. Gardeners or residents don’t have to worry about emergence, as sod is lush and fast-growing grass. Additionally, it can also be grown in poor quality soil, and its growth will significantly improve soil quality as well.
Our efficient and excellent quality services includes removal of all weeds, and already existing grasses, marking off location points for sprinkler heads, soil tillage to improve soil structure for easy penetration of roots, top dressing for resurfacing the yard, installation of new sod in staggering fashion to efficiently encounter water runoff. Other than this we are also offering installation of irrigation services and detailed guidelines about irrigation scheduling and irrigation water quality testing.
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Why Us
We are a licensed and well-established lawn caring company in Springfield Missouri and are offering high-quality exceptional services for sod installation at affordable prices. Our professional and highly dedicated team ensures, dependable, and high-quality services, along with a wide range of grass types. Moreover, there is no risk of contamination, or pollutants in the grasses, so it is not causing any environmental consequences and will not exert any footprints on the garden or lawn.
Our sod installation process is quite efficient and professional and before installation, property will be properly examined. This is the basic and foremost important step in our services, as we offer installation services according to the specific needs of the site. We can also listen to suggestions and options of customers and will make a mutual decision to reduce the cost of application and get good benefits on a long-term basis.
Site Preparation
Sod installation is a sustainable and healthy approach for lawn care and building of good landscaping, but before installation, the site should be properly prepared, and all kinds of early growing vegetation and contamination should be eliminated. We are offering good services to clear out all debris and existing grasses, and are properly disposing of it, so that there is no footprint on the surrounding environment.
Before installation, we ensure that soil is properly managed and pulverized, and depending on soil conditions, and project, we are also adding organic matter, organic fertilizers, and peat mosses in soil to improve soil health, its fertility, and productivity.
Moreover, we are giving proper attention to soil conditioning, which includes a process of tilling, mixing, and cultivating. We are using specialized equipment for this purpose, and ensures excellent, healthy, and even stand. There will be an excellent touch of sod with the soil, and smooth preparation will be rolled for its installation. A power roller or farm roller is used to ensure smoothening, settling, and firm grading.

Replacement of Soil
Before sod installation, redistribution of topsoil layer is essential, and is essentially important for the sites, where soil fertility is inherently low. In case, if there is no availability of good quality topsoil, then we can offer great modification of existing soil. For example, if the quality of topsoil is not good, then we are offering the incorporation of decomposed organic matter, organic manure, and peat soil. Mixing up of these materials with native soil at the depth of about 6-8 inches offers excellent results. We are performing various final grading analysis that either soil is ready for sod installation or not.
Sod installation
Our professionals are highly expert in sod installation and are offering the best sod installation process in Springfield Missouri, that in turn is having the best chances of survival and growth. For installation, only the best quality and freshly cut sod will be delivered from our business site to the site of installation. In the installing process everything will be lined up properly, and no gaps will be left behind. Special amendment according to growing conditions, and soil type will also be applied to the sod. The application of amendment is greatly dependent on the surrounding environment.
After installation, there will be final smoothening of sod, and all unused sod will be removed. Other than removing sod, our team will also clear all kinds of debris, and will offer proper sweeping, to enhance the looks of the area. Moreover, we will offer monitoring services, and will update about irrigation scheduling, and other management practices, so that health can be properly maintained.

Post Installation Practices
A proper post-installation care and attention is required to ensure excellent rooting development, growth, and development. We are also offering specialized post caring services for mowing, irrigation, fertilization, and aeration. Other than this we are providing recommendations and detailed guidelines, to overcome the problems weed infestations, and insect pest attacks. Thus, the requirement of spraying weedicides, and insecticides and greatly reduced, and costs are also cut.
Contact Us
Our competent and highly qualified team is exceptionally expert in sod installation and is offering reliable services at affordable prices. We highly take pride in establishing healthy and long-lasting relationships with our customers in Springfield Missouri, so that they can enjoy lush and healthy lawn to enjoy mental peace and daily life activities.